Vibrating lump crusher
Vibratory crushers are vibrating systems using a vibration drive toseparate sand lumps from the iron parts in a batch and, at thesame time, crush the sand lumps into particle-size sand and conveyit. Depending on the model iron parts can only be dischargedautomatically by a drive pole reversal. The quantities and temperatures of the loaded
materialdetermine crusher design. If space isrestricted the crusher can be fitted with a higher sand discharge. For special applications we also supply combined vibratorycrushers comprising shake-out grid, lump crusher and Vibralift – all of them actuated with one drive.
- High wear-resistance
- Designed for foundries
- Reduced height
- Crusher and shake-out grid (combined)
- Elevated sand discharge
- Separate sand and castings discharge
- Low operating costs
- Small footprint
- High operational reliability
- Long service life
- Good value for money
- Proven technology
Technical specs
- Shake-out grids measure up to 10 m²
- Load bearing capacity of grids / screens up to 15 t
- depending on design
- Single or combined devices
- Including lifting shaft (Vibralift)
- According to overall size up to 30 t/h regenerant capacity
- Separation of castings and sand / overflow
- Lump crushing/ waste sand recycling